Early Reading
Early Reading
“The books transported her into new worlds and introduced her to amazing people who lived exciting lives.’
Roald Dahl, Matilda
The Importance of Early Reading
Reading together with your child is important for so many reasons, apart from developing a love of reading it has been proven to improve children’s communication and language, reading develops vocabulary and imagination. Regular reading with your child paves the way for them to succeed in their school life, it inspires an enthusiasm for learning and gives them an insight into new experiences.
Room on the Broom.
One of Reception’s favorite stories is Room on the Broom. Listen to Hallie retelling the story, she is 4 Years Old.
Listen to our Reception Readers.
Here is one of our Reception children predicting what the story is about, reading fluently and using expression.
Here is one of our Reception children blending securely and thoroughly enjoying reading.
Reception children need to know their letter sounds before they are able to start to blend for reading. When they start to blend, they will say each letter sound and hear the word they are saying to blend it together. Watch one of our Reception children blending.
What People Are Saying
“Oh yeah this is my favorite story.”
— In relation to our new focused text - Nursery Child
“Tonight, before bed we decided to read ‘ The Gruffalo’ my little girl decided my reading skills were not as good as hers and she wanted to show off her skills of remembering The Gruffalo.
She said she really enjoys reading this in school with all the teachers.”
— Reception Parent
“I love this story, my Mummy reads this to me when I go to bed.”
— Reception Child
“I am so proud of his progress.”
— Reception Parent