Governing Body 

  • Barbara Murray

    Chair of Governors

  • June Simm

    Vice Chair of Governors, Safeguarding Link

  • Vanessa Murray

    Staff Governor

  • Louise Edwards

    Co-opted Governor, SEND Link

  • Meryl Sangare

    Co-opted Governor, Puipl Premium Link

  • Amy Bogh

    Parent Governor, Attendance Link

  • Debbie Guyers

    Parent Governor

  • Paula Thomson

    Clerk to Governors

The Governing Body of Childwall Valley Primary School plays a key role in school life and influencing school policy and procedure. If you wish to contact our Chair, please contact Miss Thomson, Clerk to Governors by email at or by telephoning the school office on 0151 722 2544.

 Staff Governors

Joe Keher

Vanessa Murray



Paula Thomson

Our Governing body structure is made up of:

LA Governors
Barbara Murray (Chair of Governors)

Co-opted Governors

Meryl Sangare 

Louise Edwards

June Simm (Vice Chair of Governors)

Parent Governors

Amy Bogh

Debbie Guyers