Governing Body
Barbara Murray
Chair of Governors
June Simm
Vice Chair of Governors, Safeguarding Link
Vanessa Murray
Staff Governor
Louise Edwards
Co-opted Governor, SEND Link
Meryl Sangare
Co-opted Governor, Puipl Premium Link
Amy Bogh
Parent Governor, Attendance Link
Debbie Guyers
Parent Governor
Paula Thomson
Clerk to Governors
The Governing Body of Childwall Valley Primary School plays a key role in school life and influencing school policy and procedure. If you wish to contact our Chair, please contact Miss Thomson, Clerk to Governors by email at enquiries@childwallvalley.org or by telephoning the school office on 0151 722 2544.
Staff Governors
Joe Keher
Vanessa Murray
Paula Thomson
Our Governing body structure is made up of:
LA Governors
Barbara Murray (Chair of Governors)
Co-opted Governors
Meryl Sangare
Louise Edwards
June Simm (Vice Chair of Governors)
Parent Governors
Amy Bogh
Debbie Guyers