At Childwall Valley Primary, our aim is to give our children the best possible opportunities to become confident, literate and successful members of society with a deep love and understanding of English language and literature. We believe the development of Literacy skills is central to improving a child’s life chances.
We have a high quality English curriculum which is built upon a Quality Text-based approach where rich texts are placed at the heart of our teaching. We have designed an English curriculum that is centred around both classic and long-standing much-loved books and novels as well as new and exciting modern authors and texts.
Part of our whole-school approach is to immerse our pupils in their class texts, exploring the way the author uses language and to use this to develop our children as writers. Using their key driver text as a stimulus, our teachers plan half termly units of work which follow a clear structure of immersion, analyse, plan, write and edit.
ORACY is at the centre of our English curriculum and we recognise the importance of developing the speaking and listening skills of our pupils. We believe if they can’t say it, they can’t write it! Our ORACY Framework is therefore embedded within our English units of learning.
End of Year Writing Expectations
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6