School Council
Our School Councillors work hard to ensure that pupil voice is fully represented at Childwall Valley. They meet every week with Miss Lynch. Their roles include:
Setting weekly agendas for council meetings
Undertaking weekly school council meetings
Defining key projects across the year and set actions to achieve goals
Collecting the views of their peers for whom they represent
Pitching, presenting in assemblies and hosting other key events
Each year, two representatives from each class is democratically elected to represent their class as members of the CVP School Council. This is a wonderful opportunity for pupils to voice their ideas, opinions and to see democracy in action as a component of British Values.
Our School Council meetings are run by the Year 6 School Councillors and Miss Lynch. During meetings, they go through the weekly agenda, which includes listening to feedback from each class, discussing and sharing ideas and deciding on items for discussion the following week.
After each school council meeting, councillors feedback to their class every week. Their discussions with the class are based on the weekly agenda set by the School Council meeting, but also allow each class to raise any other business they think the School Council could be involved in
The Election Process
Pupils asked their teacher for a Nomination Form and filled in their name. Nominations needed to be seconded or endorsed by a classmate (‘endorsed’ means that the classmate thought the person nominating wouldmake a really good School Councillor).
Children who wanted to represent their class on the School Council had to make a speech. They needed to convince their classmates to vote for them by telling them their strengths and sharing their ideas about what they would do to help improve our school. Some children made videos and PowerPoints to increase their chances of getting voted in.
Campaign Week
Candidates set about convincing their classmates that they would be the best candidate for the job of School Councillor. Candidates produced posters and flyers saying what kind of School Councillor they would be and what they would like to achieve. Some even made badges, stickers and rosettes to support their campaign.
Each class were invited to the Polling Station in the school hall. Each pupil took their poll card to the registration table where they were given a ballot paper and directed to a voting booth. Pupils selected the two candidates they would like to be their year group representatives. Each student then folded up their ballot paper and put it into a ballot box.
Results of the ballot were announced during Celebration Assembly. Returning officers handed out School Council badges and certificates to the new School Councillors.
Prefects play a vital part in the running of Childwall Valley Primary School; assisting and supporting both staff and pupils. The role of our Prefects falls into four main categories:
Maintaining our behaviour rules Helping staff Supporting younger pupils Organising events
All of our children are given very important roles and responsibilities across the school. They are role models that our pupils look up to. Their role is to set a good example. Their actions, and the way they conduct themselves, is especially important and has a big impact on life at Childwall Valley Primary School.
Our student ambassadors our the voice and face of our school for any information about the curriculum and learning that takes places in the areas they represent. Our ambassadors were selected for being passionate about the subject area, engaging and having clear strengths and expertise. Peers, visitors, parents and prospective families frequently speak to our ambassadors as they are able to support and answer any questions they have around the subject they lead.
There is one ambassador representing each year group (Yr2-Yr6). We have ambassadors for the following subjects/areas:
Mental Health and Wellbeing Ambassador
Eco Ambassador
Maths Ambassador
Reading Ambassador
Writing Ambassador
Digital Ambassador
Science Ambassador
Oracy Ambassador
‘Prefect showing parents around…Well Done! So polite, sweet and professional. Great advocate for the school. Took the role so seriously.’
Parental Feedback