Here at Childwall Valley we have an enthusiastic and committed Well-Being team. Our aim is to make our school the best it possibly can be for the children, staff and parents. We actively promote the five ways to wellbeing, which are:
Be active
Take notice
Keep learning
Our Well-Being team is made up of children, parents, teachers, teaching assistants, SLT and governors. If you would like to join our Well-Being team please get in contact with Mrs Merrison.
What parents are saying…
“The school is very caring. For example, some children are mental health ambassadors. I like that the school values difference and that everyone is equal.”
“The teachers, they are all brilliant and have helped my son grow in confidence. Also, all the info I receive very helpful.”
“The teachers listen and are very helpful when you have a problem.”
“.Children are being taught the importance of helping others by being involved in all the different charities the school donates to. What I especially like about Childwall valley is that it is a small school and children are treated as individuals, with kindness, with all the attention that they need to grow and flourish.”
“My child is happy to go and enjoys his learning there that to me is the most important thing.”
The best thing about Childwall Valley - “SLT and all the new mental health and SEN implementations.”
“My children are very well cared for, all their needs met.”
“All the staff are approachable, caring, professional. Great feeling and ethos in the school. Support children however they need it.”
‘‘Small size and the fact all staff know the children. The school’s interest in the emotional well-being of the children. Quick progression academically, but interests are child led. My child is happy and always wants to go to school.’’
Mental Health and Well-Being approach in our school.
We are so happy and excited to share our whole school response to Social, Emotional, Mental Health and Well Being (SEMHWB) needs across Childwall Valley.
ROAR was created in response to a city wide review of whole school approaches to mental health, back in March 2017. It was highlighted that staff should focus on recognising the signs of poor mental health. The ROAR response aims to do just this. The ROAR response to Mental Health in Primary Schools allows all school staff to recognise and address the signs of difficult mental health in children. It is a first line response aimed at equipping school staff with the tools to provide early intervention and support to children experiencing mental distress. ROAR also encourages and helps children build resilience in relation to their mental health needs.
The ROAR approach has been implemented within school and is proving to be a great success. ROAR is used to respond to the mental health needs of children and the school community, from Nursery all the way to Year 6.
To find out more, watch how staff and pupils at Blessed Sacrament Primary School have embraced the ROAR approach throughout the school, in everyday life.
Bronze Award
We are very proud that we have achieved the Liverpool Health and Wellbeing Award at Bronze Level
Take a look at our ROAR Policy
Phased Approach
Take a look at our Phased Approach at Childwall Valley
Take a look at our Newsletter
Letter for Parents
A letter for Parents explaining ROAR
ROAR Behavior Management Strategies

Support for Parents and Children
If you're worried about a child or need advice and support for coping with anything affecting your child's mental health or wellbeing, there are different ways to seek help.
YPAS provides mental health and emotional wellbeing services for Liverpool's children, young people and families.
Brighter Horizons
Brighter Horizons 4U tailor support services through the use of various therapeutic approach and creative interventions.
Kooth is your online mental wellbeing community. Access free and safe support.
How to help a child with Anxiety
Social Anxiety
What is social anxiety
Liverpool CAMHS Whole School Approach Directory
A wealth of information for Parents and Support for an individual pupil attending a Liverpool School.
There is also a resources tab which some families may find useful containing information about resilience and information for parental mental health.
What People Are Saying
“ROAR is a really good addition to our school. It lets me know how other people are feeling and if I should take extra care with them that day.”
— Year 6 Pupil
“When we use the rainbow in class, I can help others because I know about their number and that they might need a bit of help.”
— Year 6
“‘ROAR in school is really good for sharing our feelings and emotions. Sometimes if you’re a low number, the teachers know to check if we’re ok and that always helps me.”
— Year 5 Pupil
“I really like the ROAR rainbow because if I was a 1, my friends know and can help me get back to a higher number.”
— Year 4 Pupil