At Childwall Valley Primary school we will help all children to develop an understanding of time, place, people and events through the effective teaching and learning of the knowledge, skills and understanding of history. We use the National Curriculum History Guidelines as the basis for our bespoke history curriculum and make meaningful links with the other subjects of the curriculum. Our aim is to ignite a curiosity to learn about the past that will help children understand who they are and how their environment and the world has changed over time.
Within our history curriculum we focus on developing key historical skills including; understanding different points of view, interpreting information from more than one source, evaluating historical information and the ability to learn from past situations. We aspire to bring history to life where possible by using historical artefacts and ensuring children have their own first hand experiences.
At Childwall Valley Primary School our history curriculum begins with our local history as we believe it is important that children develop a clear sense of Liverpool including key events, people and periods. Following from this pupils then learn about British history and then World history. Throughout our history curriculum have key themes and concepts which run throughout ensuring children build upon their knowledge and make key links throughout different units.
Knowledge Mats
Year 1
This summer term Year 1 will be learning about The Wright Brothers and their first flight.
Year 2
This summer term Year 2 will be learning about explorers. They will focus on Robert Falcon Scott and Tim Peake.
Year 3
This Summer term Year 3 will begin their first Ancient Civilisation study and will focus on the Ancient Egyptians.
Year 4
This summer term Year 4 will learn about the Ancient Greeks and their achievements.
Year 5
This summer term Year 5 will learn about the Ancient Maya and will make comparisons between Maya society in 900AD and Britain in 900AD.
Year 6
This summer Year 6 will learn about the Changing Role of Women.
“The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future.”
— Theodore Roosevelt
“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
— George Santayana