Welcome to Reception
Welcome to Reception, we love welcoming our children into school each day and here you can see a snippet of all the activities they do.
Autumn 1 Learning.
During Autumn 1 Reception focused on Our World, we discussed our families, our community and of course we explored our school. We made lots of new friendships and explored the languages we all speak, the celebrations we celebrate and also the faiths we practice.
We focused on Andy Goldsworthy and created our own masterpieces, we used natural resources to create self portraits.
We have focused on the books The Leaf Man, Storm, We’re Going on a Leaf Hunt and Room on the Broom.
We have been going on a school trip to explore our local community and the world around us. We have been to our local Park exploring our senses, we discussed what we could see, hear, smell, feel, we searched for Autumn leaves and collected natural resources to bring back to class. We went to Lidl to get our snack shop, we bought foods from around the world and tasted them.
We have learnt about Diwali this term, had a ‘Be Yourself Day’ and even been to Forest School every week! What a busy first half term.
We have had a visit from a real life Poet, we have had a dental health session with the Children Centre and our parents have been into school celebrating some of our learning. This term we focused on The Storm Whale as part of our Reading and Writing, we learnt all about Opening Octopus, Build Up Bear, Problem Penguin and Ending Elephant.
In Maths we explore Numbers 1-4 and patterns in our environment.
Andy Goldsworthy
We will learn that Andy Goldsworthy likes to create art using natural materials. We will create our own natural art during Forest School and through our topic. We will explore textures, patterns, shape and size.
Autumn 2 Learning.
During Autumn 2 Reception have focused on Light and Dark. We have explored our own emotions and the emotions of others, through short films and stories. We explored our environment against Space and discuss the environments of birds, squirrels and other woodland animals.
We focused on short films and books such a Baboon on the Moon and Stick Man. This term we focused on The Star in the Jar as part of our Reading and Writing and learnt new vocabulary and some of us are even writing sentences.
We went on our class trips to our local parks looking at the different seasons and the effects on our environment. We even went to Otterspool to see Santa!
Our parents came into school as part of Maths in Action, we had so much fun.
In Maths we will explore Numbers 5- 9 and positional language.